Speaking in his weekly radio address following the Government’s declaration of a ‘Duty Free Year’ and the successful initiation of “Aa Sandha”, President Mohamed Nasheed has said this year is emerging as a potentially promising year for the entire population of the country.

In his radio address, the President said that the central aim of "Aa Sandha" was not only improving the nation-wide affordability of healthcare to the general population, but also enhancing the quality of service offered to them. While discussing certain key components of “Aa Sandha”, President Nasheed said that the cumulative benefit of this recent scheme would augment the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), along with easing the financial burden of the average Maldivian family and allowing the interaction of a host of positive socio-economic changes to culminate in higher standards of living.

The President said the whole nation would reap the harvest of decisive progress being made towards economic transformation this year. The government’s decision to introduce a ‘Duty Free Year’ would create financial stability and guarantee the permanence and continuity of a strong, viable institution that is adequately equipped to serve the nation and its economy.

As the new academic year begins on Sunday, 8th of January, the President extended a warm welcome to all entities involved in the education sector.

The President noted that 121 schools will operate as single session schools by the beginning of this year. The President further added that the number is expected to increase under government plans to convert all schools to single session schools. The President said that a collective total of 6 schools encompassed in Male’ City, Addu City and Kulhudhuffushi were prepared to adopt a new academic curriculum for the new year, and expressed his sanguine hopes for implementing the latest academic model next year.

The President further spoke on criminal offences committed against expatriate teachers. Speaking on the severity of the situation, President Nasheed stated that all teachers need to be given their due respect regardless of whether they are of local or foreign origin.