Delivering the keynote address at “Civil Service Excellence, Way Forward for Innovation and Change” conference today, Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed has appealed all civil servants to extend their full cooperation to ministers and other political appointees.
He asked civil servants to “accept that ministers are the political leaders who are accountable to the Parliament for which money has been allocated within the budget.”
“Civil Service Excellence, Way Forward for Innovation and Change” is an expertise development conference conducted for civil servants and political leaders.
The Vice President in his speech stressed the importance of independent civil services in a democratic government to fully administer to the needs of the people.
“I know that the Civil Service has to be protected from political steam rolling, and undue influences because it is the professional civil service that has to continue the smooth functioning of government from one political regime to the other,” he said.
The Vice President highlighted on challenges currently faced and encouraged both political leaders and civil servants on working to “resolve conflict and come out with a positive result.”
He also noted the importance of putting more effort to create a team within the ministries irrespective of being political advisors or civil servants.
Finally, the Vice President remarked on the responsibility of the heads of civil Service and political employees to jointly work towards same end result in their endeavour to promote the continuity of good governance.