As part of his visit to North Ari Atoll, President Mohamed Nasheed has today visited Mathiveri and Bodufolhudhoo.

In his addresses in both islands, the President emphasized that neither he nor his administration was in power for the advantages and privileges of presidency.
Rather, he said, the government’s objective was to prepare the country for the future generations. He said our aim should be ensuring our future development and a better life for the generations to come.
In both islands, the President reiterated that local council elections on February 5 would be the stepping stones towards ensuring the country’s future development.
He also highlighted the benefits to both islands as a result of government’s progress towards delivering its pledges including social security programme, providing affordable healthcare and establishing a nationwide transport network.
Speaking in Mathiveri, he revealed that the construction of island’s harbour and development of island’s sporting ground would commence this year. Further, the President said the island's school has been running as single session school since last year, and three more classrooms were added to the school under the programme of providing a well-rounded education for all the children in the country.

In Bodufolhudhoo, the President spoke on the importance of broadening our global outlook to develop and take advantage in the globalized world.