Statement by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the Official Banquet hosted by Her Excellency Mrs. Pratibha Patil, President of the Republic of India in honour of the President and the First Lady of the Republic of Maldives
11 February 2008 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Acceptance Speech by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, on receiving the Sustainable Development Leadership Award 2008 at the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2008
07 February 2008 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Intervention by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the VIP Panel Discussion titled "The Scientific Evidence: A Call for Action", at the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2008
07 February 2008 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Statement by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the Reception to meet with Ambassadors/High Commissioners resident in New Delhi who are accredited to the Maldives, former High Commissioners of India to the Maldives, Honorary Consuls/Consul Generals of the Maldives in India and the Maldives Consul in Thiruvananthapuram
07 February 2008 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Address by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the Opening of the Joint High-level Segment of the 13th Session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC and the 3rd Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
12 December 2007 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Message by His Excellency President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom on the Occasion of International Human Rights Day 2007
10 December 2007 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Address by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the Launching of the EDC Website and 20 Teacher Resource Centres in the Atolls
26 November 2007 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Keynote Address by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the Inauguration Ceremony of “The Human Dimension of Global Climate Change”
13 November 2007 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Speech by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, on “Climate Change and Sea-level Rise: The Maldives’ Experience” at the Opening Session of EU Development Days 2007
07 November 2007 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Speech by His Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, at the State Banquet hosted in honour of the President of the Republic of Singapore, His Excellency Mr. S. R. Nathan
24 October 2007 - President Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom