President Meets the European Parliament Delegation
21 February 2011
New Polish Ambassador Presents Credentials to the President
21 February 2011
President Establishes Administrative Offices of Local Councils
21 February 2011
Sheikh Ilyas Hussain Ibrahim Appointed as the Minister of State for Housing and Environment, and Mr Abdulla Shahid Appointed as Controller of Immigration and Emigration
21 February 2011
SAARC Secretary-General Pays a Courtesy Call on the President
20 February 2011
New Vietnamese Ambassador Presents Credentials to the President
20 February 2011
New British High Commissioner Presents Credentials
20 February 2011
Former MP for Salisbury Robert Key Calls on the President
20 February 2011
Government to Address the Existing Legal Impediments to Find a Permanent Mechanism for Mosquito Control
19 February 2011
President Urges Business Organisations to Join Hands with the Government to Reintegrate Drug Addicts into Society
18 February 2011