The Government calls for expression of interest to form joint venture partnerships to operate Regional Utility Companies
01 March 2009
President to deliver Presidential Address tomorrow
01 March 2009
First Family to move to Muleeaage’
05 February 2009
The President meets with the people of Maafaru
05 February 2009
The President pledges that no household would have to spend more than 20% of their incomes for housing
05 February 2009
The President visits Miladhoo
05 February 2009
The President meets with the people of Velidhoo
05 February 2009
The President appoints members to the Board of Directors of Capital Market Development Authority
05 February 2009
The President begins a tour to some islands of South Miladhunmadulu Atoll
04 February 2009
The Cabinet decides to establish a National Planning Council
04 February 2009