Department of Heritage Established
19 October 2010
President Urges Government Offices to Comply With
Anti-Corruption Commission
19 October 2010
President and the First Lady Host a Dinner in Honour of the Commonwealth Secretary-General and his Wife
18 October 2010
Commonwealth Secretary General Pays a
Courtesy Call on the President
17 October 2010
President Inaugurates Maldives Post Building
17 October 2010
President Meets With Chairperson of British-Maldives All Party Parliamentary Group
17 October 2010
President Meets with a CPA UK Branch Delegation
17 October 2010
President Visits Gulf Craft International Boat Show
17 October 2010
Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Spouse Calls on the First Lady
17 October 2010
President Expresses Concern Over Cases of Rape
and Abuse of Children
15 October 2010