Government Welcomes “Solid Gains” in Press Freedom
20 October 2010
President Forms Local Councils
19 October 2010
Department of Heritage Established
19 October 2010
President Urges Government Offices to Comply With
Anti-Corruption Commission
19 October 2010
President and the First Lady Host a Dinner in Honour of the Commonwealth Secretary-General and his Wife
18 October 2010
Commonwealth Secretary General Pays a
Courtesy Call on the President
17 October 2010
President Inaugurates Maldives Post Building
17 October 2010
President Meets With Chairperson of British-Maldives All Party Parliamentary Group
17 October 2010
President Meets with a CPA UK Branch Delegation
17 October 2010
President Visits Gulf Craft International Boat Show
17 October 2010