President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s administration has expressed disappointment at former President Nasheed’s continued inability to nominate an appropriate candidate who meets the agreed criteria for inclusion on the Commission of National Inquiry (CNI).
The Administration agreed to the terms of reference of the CNI with Sir Don McKinnon, Commonwealth Special Envoy, including the criteria that all nominated candidates have to meet, to serve on the Commission. The Administration has invited former President Nasheed to nominate a candidate for the Commission.
The latest nomination is Lt. Colonel Zubair Ahmed Manik who is a serving officer in the Maldives National Defense Force and does not meet the basic requirement of having an undergraduate degree as per the agreed terms of reference.
The repeated proposal of generally unacceptable candidates by the former President Nasheed suggests a lack of seriousness and willingness to cooperate.
The Administration has already agreed to change the original terms of reference of the CNI following advice from the Commonwealth and to agree on including a foreign judge as co chair of the CNI.
Masood Imad, spokesman for President Waheed’s Administration stated:
“The Administration has repeatedly invited former President Nasheed to nominate an appropriate candidate to sit on the CNI. The criteria for suitable candidates has been agreed with Sir Don McKinnon and they apply to all those wishing to be considered as members of the CNI.
These are not our criteria; these are the criteria agreed with the Commonwealth and CMAG, represented by Sir Don. We will abide by the will of the Commonwealth and adhere strictly to these terms.
We will not be deflected from our democratic and agreed path.”