The President's Office has stated today that the government is speeding up the process of settling people from Kunburudhoo, Maavaidhoo and Faridhoo to Nolhivaranfaru, the President Office has stated today.
During a visit to Nolhivaranfaru in July, President Nasheed announced that housing for the people of those three islands to settle in Nolhivaranfaru had been completed.
A total of 134 houses have been built in Nolhivaranfaru for the purpose, while it is estimated that the 47 houses that are under construction with Chinese assistance will be completed in December.
Meanwhile, the Upper North Utility Company is working to provide electricity and sewerage services to the island, which will cost USD$1.6 million. The Ministry of Education is building extra six classrooms and a library in Nolhivaranfaru School. Also, the Ministry of Health and Family is working to expand the island's health post, which will cost an estimated Rf1.13 million.