In his interview to BBC HARDtalk programme, President Mohamed Waheed said he was open for an early election but that he was not empowered to declare a date for election.

“This is not a dictatorship”, he said.

Moreover, he said early elections could be held only with Constitutional amendments and that the discussion for an early election, as well as what needs to be done in order to stabilise the situation, should go in to the Majlis.

When asked of his opinion of having an overseas representative in the Commission of National Enquiry, he said:

“I have no reservation about it. We are working very closely with Commonwealth right now. We have a Commonwealth Special Envoy who is arriving in the Maldives in a matter of a few hours and we will provide all cooperation necessary”.

“I am working with all the political parties and I have invited Mr Nasheed’s party also to join and to work together”.

When asked about the circumstances that lead to former President Nasheed’s resignation, he said:
“There was no coup in Maldives. There was a resignation by the President, for whatever reason”

“… when the President is unable to continue either though resignation or any other means, then the serving Vice President is required, under the constitution to swear in. So my swearing is perfectly legitimate.

He added:

“Irrespective of what happened prior to my taking of office my presidency is, according to the constitution and I am required to perform my duties”.

HARDtalk, hosted by one of BBC’s most respected journalists, Stephen Sackur, interviews newsmakers and personalities from across the globe.